Write a journal critique that is a minimum of two full page that summarizes your critical evaluation of the research article. Be sure to relate it to our course content. Also, post your critique in the journal discussion board so your classmates can review your topic to possibly read one day.

You will read one article from the professional journal Sex Roles. You’ll receive a short list of questions about the article, which you must answer . You will need to write at least 2 pagein order to provide enough detail about the research.

You should choose one article from the professional journal Sex Roles. Here is a short list of questions about the article for your reference to help you write your journal article critique. You will need to write a journal critique that is a minimum of two full page that summarizes your critical evaluation of the research article. Be sure to relate it to our course content. Also, post your critique in the journal discussion board so your classmates can review your topic to possibly read one day.


Title of Article from Sex Roles

APA formaT

2 Page minimum

Details about the research conducted

Evaluation of the research article.

Reflection on how the topic connects to Psychology of Women.

Critically Reading Journal Articles.

Reading a scholarly journal article is not easy. If an article has been published in a scholarly journal, presumably, the editors believed that it contained information significant to the discipline(s) covered by the journal. Here are a few tips that should assist you in critically evaluating the research articles you read.

The Title

Read the title carefully: more information is contained in the title than you think. It is very important that you pay attention to information in the title.

• What are the major ideas addressed in the article?

• Who were the participants? What was their affiliation?

• Were they a special kind of group (e.g., college students, women only, married people)?

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