What does it mean? What are the implications for what you are trying to prove/demonstrate/etc?


To what extent are lab grown diamonds perceived as the future of the diamond industry by consumers, and what factors influence their adoption and acceptance?

Abstract  this is a summary.

Table of contents (not included in the word count)

1. Introduction (700 words)
1.1 research background (what?)
1.2 research rationale (why?)

2. Aim and objectives
2.1 aim
2.2 objectives

3. literature review ( 1.300 words)
3.1 title

4. methodology and ethics
4.1 research strategy (250 words)
4.2 sampling strategy (250 words)
4.3 ethical considerations (200 words)

5. findings and analysis (800 words)
6. discussion (1,000 words)
7. conclusion ( 400 words )

8. bibliographical references
8.1 list of references
8.2 Bibliography
8.3 Image references


Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:
LO1. Appraise an awareness of the wider global, economic, historical and political
context and an ability to critically defend the subject.
LO2. Critique the research gathered for the project.
LO3. Generate individual research in order to produce coherent, relevant and critical
written work, which conforms to Harvard conventions of referencing.
LO4. Justify the information gathered for the research project in conformity with the
structure and brief.

Element 2: A 5,000-word written Dissertation
• Submission Modality: Turnitin
Students will be required to present:
– 5,000 Word Dissertation
This is 70% of the grade for this unit
o A 5,000-word dissertation which proves or disproves the students’ hypothesis.
Through the essay the students must evaluate the evidence of primary and secondary
research, critical analysis of texts, coherent argumentation and correct citation using Harvard
conventions of referencing.
Some guidelines:
o The dissertation project should provide evidence of primary and secondary research
methods, critical analysis of the literature and of the results of the research.
o It must be logically structured, clearly written and provide a coherent argument.
o It should include relevant images to support your discussion and illustrate key points
you are making.
o You must reference accurately all sources of information (including images) that you
use with Harvard Referencing style throughout.
o The format should be A4 word or pdf.
o Care should be taken to present the information in a professional manner, considering
layout etc.
o Cover page – A cover that reflects appropriately the research to be conducted – you
can use an image/images/a digital image of your own artwork. It must provide your name;
student number; unit title: Final Dissertation; Element 2: Dissertation; title of your research.
o Abstract – A summary of all sections of the project inclusing its final outcomes.

o Table of Contents – this must make the proposal easy for the reader to navigate. Make
sure that all pages are numbered and accurately referenced in the table of contents.
o Introduction – This should provide a background and a rationale for the research.

o Aim and Objectives – One aim (what you hope to prove/demonstrate/interrogate/etc);
3-5 objectives (the points you need to reach to achieve the aim).
(aim and Objectives, approxiamtely 100 words)
o Literature Review – Show that you have begun to read around the subject area. The
literature should be contextualise your topic, be critically analysed and must support the
achievement of aim and objectives.
o Methodology and Ethcis – Show how you are going to achieve the objectives you
have set out. This should focus on primary research and it must address erthical
o Findings and Analysis – This should present and discuss the results of your primary
research in relation to your research aim and objectives. What does it mean? What are the
implications for what you are trying to prove/demonstrate/etc?

o Discussion – This is where you combine primary and secordary research findings and
answer your research question. Here you should provide the suggestions and
recommendations that you aimed at giving.
o Conclusion – This should summarise the key finding of the research, re-stating some


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