What do the conversations sound like? What has been said? How have things been said? What is being said covertly?


Achievement vs. Opportunity Gap

Critical Reflective Essay: 2-3 pages
One of the most powerful tools available to us is that of self-reflection. In this course we will use reflective essays to mark the development of our thinking and emotions, and to look toward the future we would like to help construct.

The reflective essay asks participants to reflect on course readings, videos, and class discussions in relationship to your visions for education, yourself, and for humanity. You may focus on 3-4 sources to synthesize and think critically about, and articulate how they have advanced and/or changed the direction of your thinking. The short length of the essays will require conciseness: 2-3 pages plus a list of references. Essays should be double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font follow APA format.

The subject being chosen is the AchievementĀ  Gap that certain groups such as minorities or those with special needs experience in education. If unfamiliar or would prefer a refresher on the subject, here: https://www.edweek.org/leadership/achievement-gap/2004/09

Sources will be articles that I will provide, two of which being attached PDFs, the other two being linked at the bottom of these instructions.

Additionally, an outline of how the format of the essay is expected to look like will be attached.

1. Part One- Topic Introduction: Choose a topic, concept, or issue that we have explored in this course. Synthesize our readings, videos, lectures, and discussions to introduce the topic to your communities. Give some historical context, and then, talk about how it shows up in the present.

2. Part Two- D/discourse: Use part two to introduce the D/discourses around your topic. What do the conversations sound like? What has been said? How have things been said? What is being said covertly?
P2 Note: There’s two versions of discourse in this class, the capitalized D focusing on the larger subject, e.g., what the achievement gap is, and the lowercase d being what certain influential people or figures have said about the achievement gap in schools.

3. Part Three- Personal Reaction : How has exploration of the topic evolved your thinking about education, society, and yourself? What are you going to do about it? In other words, what are you going to do to convert your insight into positive educational policy, outcomes, and/or experiences?



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