What can other women learn from your person? Does she exemplify a certain trait or has she paved the way somehow?

Power point
Project on a Woman in Popular Culture or Industry
You must choose a woman that is listed from the options below. Failure to do so will result in a grade of a 0, and the assignment will not be accepted. You may not select Oprah Winfrey or Kamala Harris as the internet is flooded with presentations about them already. You may not select a TV, movie/Hollywood/media celebrity, or an athlete. You are not permitted to recycle work from another class assignment.
Format: Presentation with voiceover ( include a script for the voice over)
Student may use the presentation software of their choice (Power Point, Adobe Spark, Prezi, etc.) as long as the slides have audio voiceovers
No written document is required for this project but please include script for voiceover
Be creative!
No slide limit requirements- as long as the topics are covered you can do as many or as few as needed!
Be sure to use proper grammar throughout the project with no slang terminology. This is an opportunity for you to refine your presentation skills
Slides must address the following topics (suggest one slide per bullet point below)
Why you selected her
A general overview of her professional career (jobs held, educational level, current role, etc.)
What leadership traits/skills has she demonstrated throughout her career (use the theories you learned in class and the different leadership styles, then tie them to specific examples
Feel free to make a guess as to their MBTI type
Achievements and failures in career
Impacts to career (personal life, gender issues, etc). Again, use the information you learned in class about how a woman’s life can be impacted in business as an example and don’t be afraid to make assumptions as this is a public figure you are analyzing (there is no way you can know all of the details of their personal life but just go by what you can find online).
Did you find examples of gender bias?
Work/life balance issues?
What can other women learn from your person? Does she exemplify a certain trait or has she paved the way somehow?
How is this person influential?
What is the biggest lesson you learned from researching this individual?
After addressing the topics above, feel free to add in your own slides if you think there is anything else relevant to the topic of women in leadership as it applies to your person!
The final slide should include references for sites/resources you used for the project. No need to have in APA or MLA style.
This project will require that you do quite a bit of sleuthing online to find information, including reading website and watching videos. Please plan your time accordingly as you will need it to be able to put the pieces together of this person’s life.
How to add voiceover audio to slides: Google search is very helpful! Simply type in “how to add voice over audio to slides in” and then type in your program name after that. Be sure that you are in a quiet space when you do your recordings as all programs will pick up on background noise.
How to submit your project: save the project as a file and attach to the submission link in Module 7.
Women you may choose from for your project
Mary Barra
Nancy Pelosi
Abigail Johnson
Sheryl Sandberg
Sheri Redstone
Amy Hood
Hillary Clinton
Condoleeza Rice
Sandra Day O’Connor
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Elizabeth Warren
Angela Ahrendts
Stacy Brown-Philpot
Denise Morrison
Michele Buck
Jacinda Ardern

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