What are the distinctions in sociology between the terms sex and gender? What importance does the differentiation between the terms have in modern society?

Journal Reflection
The purpose of this assignment is to allow for reflection on the course topics and their connection to everyday life.
Instructions :
Be sure to mention the topic you select in your Introduction paragraph. Do NOT copy and paste the question, as we don’t do that in college papers.
Respond to ALL the questions for the selected option and share a reflection on the topic. Consider the course materials in your reflection as well, focusing on a sociological analysis of the topic in society. In this, course materials need to be cited, per APA 7th ed. format, and appear on the References page. Also share what has potentially impacted your views on those topics.

*** Although the prompt you select may ask for your opinion, please write this assignment entirely in 3rd person, not in first person , and 2nd personĀ  is never used in college papers. This way, your writing will be sociologically-focused and objective.
Your journal reflection should be at least 1 1/2 pages in length, not including the Student Title Page and References page. Be very sure to write in your own words , using no direct quotes. However, all information from outside sources needs to be cited or it may be considered plagiarism! šŸ˜Š
Assignment Prompt:

What are the distinctions in sociology between the terms sex and gender? What importance does the differentiation between the terms have in modern society? Also discuss gender stratification and provide examples of gender stratification from the U.S. or other societies. Find a recent news piecerelated to gender or provide an example of how gender is portrayed in the media . Share a link to your selected source or image and describe the connection to the course topics this week . How is gender typically depicted in the media? What has impacted your beliefs about gender in your everyday life? How has the perception of gender changed in society?

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