Research competitors of your selected business. Think locally & even regionally/globally if their product or service could reach more globally. Prepare the Competitive Analysis section of the Marketing Plan by discussing each competitor that you selected and how you determined them as a competitor.

Research competitors of your selected business. Think locally & even regionally/globally if their product or service could reach more globally. Prepare the Competitive Analysis section of the Marketing Plan by discussing each competitor that you selected and how you determined them as a competitor. Provide in your narrative a little about the competitor, their strengths and weaknesses and how they compare to your selected business. Be sure to include a table and/or graphics to ensure the reader can quickly see the strengths and weaknesses of your selected business alongside its’ competitors. You should research at least 5 competitors (or more). Please choose other businesses that are in direct competition with your selected business. These can be located in the general area or more globally if your business provides services or product to customers globally.

Prepare the paper using APA . This paper will have at least three levels of headings  use headings per APA guidelines. Besides your textbook, use at least three peer reviewed sources to supplement your findings. Peer reviewed sources should be Journal Articles, books, reports, etc.

I have attached 3 papers that was done prior to this one to help get an understanding of the business and some links about the owner

this is the courses textbook: Ferrell, OC. Hartline, M. (2022). Marketing Strategy. 8th Ed.

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