Is Marx’s theory of alienation still relevant? Explain why or why not. To explore this further, think about cushy, modern workplaces with amenities and whether Marx’s theory applies to those.

This week I have introduced you to some of Marx’s major ideas. On the subject of alienation, Marx was writing in particular about the factory system before the days of labor unions and labor laws. So, do you think his ideas still apply to workplaces today in the United States. Is Marx’s theory of alienation still relevant? Explain why or why not. To explore this further, think about cushy, modern workplaces with amenities and whether Marx’s theory applies to those.

make sure this is your own work – plagiarism will result in an automatic zero . Responses must be 500-1000 words and include references from the reading in ASA format.


Jobs that have good amenities.. does it still apply
Doesn’t need to be perfectly polished just need to wrestle these ideas
Use reference from Marx alienated labor
ASA formate and citation at the end as well as parenthetical in text
Don’t use outside sources
Opinion — Use the opinion that Marx’s amenities do work in todays world and write why/how –
use examples (don’t use factors – professor wants to see more modern non factory work places  – apply to other forms of work

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