Part 2 – The Big Idea, Choice of Social Media Channels, & Examples of Content: Gather research to uncover an insight that leads to a social media big idea that integrates with traditional marketing. Select social channels that fit target audience and big idea and use the social media story template to plan out big idea content. (Combines text Chapter Social Plan Parts 5 ‐ 10)
Requirements (in order – each should be a significant section with subheadings)
Introduction paragraph: briefly state the your goal(s) for your Client’s social media plan, including the target audience(s) you are planning on addressing.
Your BIG IDEA(s) FOR YOUR CLIENT: Tell me in full detail what your big ideas are for your client. Explain how insights from your Project Part 1 led to a social media big idea.
Come up with a theme and hashtag that you can use for your client across different social channels.
Consider how your social media idea can tell a larger brand story with all five acts from the social media story template .
Select social media channels for your plan: Tell me which social media channels you will use for this client (MUST INCLUDE AT LEAST THREE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS/PLATFORMS FOR YOUR PROJECT) that are most appropriate for your target audience, your message and big idea(s). See summary of platforms: GuideToSocialMediaChannelCategories-1.pdf
Download GuideToSocialMediaChannelCategories-1.pdf
Justify your choice of social media platforms by CONNECTING your client’s customer statistics with the social media platform’s target audience.
Explain and show (pictures) how content/culture of the social media platform fits your big idea .
Creating content: Include examples of 1
Links to an external site.POST for each of the three social media platforms you propose in the previous section .
Incorporate your client’s brand colors and images.
Incorporate your hashtag and story theme across your examples
Integrate with current marketing: How does your “big idea” connect with your client’s current marketing activities? How will the client’s current traditional advertising, public relations, digital marketing, promotions, brand characters, and brand taglines be integrated into the new social effort? What needs to be changed with their other marketing based on your big idea? Will they need to change signage? Can they incorporate your hashtag/story into their existing marketing?
Conclusion section summing up what was presented and learned.