How can you apply the critical thinking skills you learned this semester?

The question
We have discussed a variety of topics related to critical thinking this semester. Using the material discussed in class, answer each of the following questions with one clear, concise, and well-written paragraph of at least three grammatically correct sentences. Take your time and write neatly and succinctly; your grade depends on it. Please write clearly and neatly, so I can read your responses. You may use the back of the page if needed.
1. What is critical thinking and why is it important to be an effective critical thinker?

2. Why is it important to be an effective communicator?

3. How can you apply the critical thinking skills you learned this semester?

4. What is a fallacy and why would people use them?

5. Of the presentations you heard in class, which one spoke the loudest to you and why?

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