Follow Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in Python by importing and building on the class from Dr.

Joe’s Expense Report GUI
Your task for this assignment is to enhance Dr. Fitz’s solution by creating a GUI using PyQt. Your program should follow Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts in Python by importing and building on the class from Dr.
Fitz’s solution in Part 1. Your GUI project should satisfy the following specifications. You may add other methods and classes as necessary.
(a) Program features 4 dialog boxes for adding a category, adding revenue, adding an expense, and transferring money from one category to the next.
(b) Dialog boxes and buttons work to carry out the necessary functionalities.
(c) Message boxes used appropriately to notify the user of success or failure of a transaction. (2pts)
(d) QTableWidget used to display the data from the selected category each time a category is selected from the category combobox or a transaction is carried out.
(e) Total computed and displayed inside a QLineEdit based on the selected category.
(f) PEP-8 standards followed and OOP concepts used
(g) Program loads and updates a pie-chart every time changes are made to the data .

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