Engage in a leadership role of your choice as a means for practicing the skills learned in K2. You will have the opportunity to pursue an experience in an area that interests you. In addition, please present your experience in a creative and engaging way.

Leadership Experience
The purpose of this assignment is to have you engage in a leadership role of your choice as a means for practicing the skills learned in K2. You will have the opportunity to pursue an experience in an area that interests you. In addition,  present your experience in a creative and engaging way.
This assignment will enhance the following competencies:
Planning Self Development
Communication Coaching/Training
Professionalism Strategic Decisions
Time and Priorities Network
Spirit of Optimism
DESCRIPTION: Seek out an experience that lets you practice your people savvy/coaching skills over the semester. Present your experience in a creative and engaging way.
REQUIRED: Completion of an approved leadership experience with documentation. The documentation must come from an official attached to your project. Please get my approval before proceeding. Creative method of bringing your experience to life. Use your imagination and creativity to highlight the experience.
Reflection through the creative method which includes:
What happened during the experience
Linkage back to each step in the cycle
Lessons learned as a result of the experience
The impact of the experience on you and your leadership philosophy.
Thoroughness is an important component in a reflection project, please consider that.

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