Does it appear in a peer-reviewed journal? Is this from a credible media source . Is the author someone who has expertise in the area?

The connections that can be drawn between hip-hop, hustling, and poverty
The annotations are written in paragraph form and should include the following information:
1. an explanation of the main purpose of the source
2. a short summary of key findings or arguments of the source
3. the academic/intellectual credentials of the source. Does it appear in a peer-reviewed journal? Is this from a credible media source . Is the author someone who has expertise in the area?
4. how does this piece better help you understand your topic
*Each citation should be between 200-300 words
The annotated bibliography needs 7 citations. 5 citations should be of writing. The pieces of writing can be journal articles, op-eds, books, and other scholarly sources. 2 citations should be pieces of media. The media can be documentaries, songs, interviews, or any other media that gives you insight into your topic.

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