Discuss how these technologies change the development of Decision Support Systems. Support your answer with an example of an application of Decision Support System and tell which domains are getting benefit from the use of DSS.

Description of Discussion Board
In this discussion board, you will post your answer to the question. You will also read and respond to other classmate’s postings. This is an excellent way for you to interact with your colleagues and to share your thoughts about the question answer in a critical way.
Action Items
Access the discussion forum for this assignment by clicking on the discussion forum title.
Click on “Create Thread.”
Enter a title for your response in the “Subject” line.
Type your response into the message field to the following discussion prompt:

Post your answer to the Question :
Throughout the past years, the evolution of Decision Support Systems changes based on the growth of their supported technology. Recently, we saw a massive development in technology to involve the expansion of Cloud computing, IOT, Big Data, and AI.
Discuss how these technologies change the development of Decision Support Systems. Support your answer with an example of an application of Decision Support System and tell which domains are getting benefit from the use of DSS.

The work should be your own, copying from the Internet, students or other resources will result in ZERO
Respond to TWO other classmates’ postings by critically reviewing your classmate’s answer and stating which points you agree or disagree with.

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