Critically compare different types of research.Evaluate a range of methods that can be used to collect data.


Understand how the components of research are used

following on from 830111

2. Understand how the components of research are used

2.1 Critically compare different types of research

2.1 The student should write an essay in which they critically compare different types of research.

Word count: 600 minimum

2.2 Evaluate a range of methods that can be used to collect data

2.3 Identify a range of tools that can be used to analyse data

2.4 Explain the importance of validity and reliability of data used within research


2.2 – 2.4 The student should write an essay in which they evaluate a range of methods that can be used to collect data and identify a range of tools that can be used to analyse data. They should also explain the importance of validity and reliability of data used within research.

Word count: 600 minimum

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