Create a visual art piece using a symbolic tree or plant to illustrate the processes you described in response to the prompts. Include the following elements in your art piece.

Resistance Project
Instructions: Visual Representation
Create a visual art piece using a symbolic tree or plant to illustrate the processes you described in response to the prompts. Include the following elements in your art piece. Examples
Roots: Foundation
The roots represent your foundations and your origins .
• What are your roots, your cultural, ethnic, or ancestral origins?
• From whom (or where) do you get your strength and resilience ?
Trunk or Stem: Identity
The trunk represents your identity that is most salient to the social justice issue you chose for this project.
Pollution or Concrete: Toxins
Pollution or concrete represent the obstacles and trauma that challenge us and threaten our growth . Also, think about how your social identities relate to marginalization and oppression in our society.
• Examples of (current or past) toxins/trauma or obstacles that challenge my growth, happiness, or success are…
• In the future, some challenges I believe might interfere with my growth and success are…
Branches or Leaves: Growth
The branches and leaves represent your growth and socialization.
• What significant events or people have contributed to your socialization related to this social justice issue? These can be positive and/or negative.
Fruits or Flowers: Goals and Aspirations
The fruits or flowers represent the fruits of your labor—the results of all your hard work and sacrifices. What transformational resistance would you like to be a part of, or would you like to be a part of you?
• A positive change you would like to be a part of in my community is…
• How will your goals and the positive change you want to be a part of be transformational?

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