How are the amendment’s elements relevant today? What are the modern-day challenges of applying them to current issues?

First write a Discussion
This week’s discussion focuses on the Bill of Rights. Select 3 of the amendments. For each amendment, discuss:
The historical background: why are these things included?
How are the amendment’s elements relevant today? What are the modern-day challenges of applying them to current issues.
Second, write a reflectionIn
this reflection paper, please refine and expand your answers to our discussion questions. Be sure to develop your answers more fully than in the discussion. You can use additional material, ideas of other students, new thoughts. For this assignment, focus on just TWO amendments. You should have several paragraphs on each amendment, intro and conclusion.For each Amendment:
The historical background: why are these things included?
How are the amendment’s elements relevant today? What are the modern-day challenges of applying them to current issues?

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