Group Assignment 6 – Business Intelligence & AI
Part One – Based on your organization’s business model, what business analytics might help your organization? What analytics might assist them in Digital Transformation? Brainstorm 6-8 ideas.
Focus on unique opportunities for their business model/industry/product base. Avoid listing generic reports . This is not a research questions, use your imagination and insights from what you’ve learned. For high scores, be creative – think outside the box! Summarize your findings in at least two(2) pages.
For each analytic you propose:
Provide an explanation of the analytic
List some of the important data necessary for the analytic
Part Two – How might they utilize machine learning to create advanced analytics and business intelligence? Summarize your findings in one(1) to two(2) pages.
What business analytics might help your organization? What analytics might assist them in Digital Transformation? Brainstorm 6-8 ideas.
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