What is the issue the students selected? This issue should be explained in thorough detail. All persons, ideas, and arguments presented in the essay should be treated thoughtfully and carefully.

Students will write a 5-7 page research paper addressing an issue related to Communication and Christianity. This essay will take a phenomenon related to modern Christian discourse and analyze it using communication theory. Students have wide latitude when it comes to what topics they select, but a list of example topics is available below.
Students should cite at least five (5) sources in this paper.
The paper and citations should be in APA style.
The paper will be graded based on strength of analysis, grammar and style.
The text of the essay should be in Times New Roman, 12 point font, double-spaced, with one inch margins.
General guidelines:
Students are free to arrange the paper however they chose, but all papers should achieve three main tasks. First, what is the issue the students selected? This issue should be explained in thorough detail. All persons, ideas, and arguments presented in the essay should be treated thoughtfully and carefully. Second, how can communication theory shape the way we view this issue? Finally, what broader implications can we draw from this issue to shape the way we communicate about religion on other issues.
Although the essay requires a minimum of five sources, students should substantiate all of their claims throughout the essay. Every argument made in the essay should be well-supported. Poorly devised or unsubstantiated arguments will affect the assessment of the essay even if the minimum number of sources have been cited.
Possible topics:
Students are free to discuss whichever topic they would like, but below is a list of issues that can help students select a topic.
This list is far from exhaustive.
“Thoughts and prayers” Professions of faith by athletes
School prayer Stem cell research
Abstinence-only sex education Gun control
Marriage equality Capital punishment
Religious boycotts of particular business Religious literacy in public school curriculum
The “war on Christmas” Intelligent design in science classes
Christian films Religious expression and the first amendment
Christian music “Religious freedom legislation”
Religious evangelism on Social Media Skeptic Communities and Atheist Rhetoric
Sacred-Profane DichotomyAnti-religious protest movements
Censorship Religious Economic Rhetoric

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