Utilize four (4) empirical articles to support your response to the required topics in the 4–5-page paper. Submit the completed assignment as a Word document.


Youth Sports

41 million youth between the ages of 6-18 participate in youth sports across the United States each year. Youth’s experiences vary and some thrive in their specific sport and some quit because their experiences in youth sports were less positive. In a 4–5-page paper describe,

Benefits of youth sports and why children participate
Negative factors associated with the youth sports experience
Youth sports competition and the focus on winning.

In addition to the course text, Cox, R.H., (2012). Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications. 7th Edition, utilize four (4) empirical articles to support your response to the required topics in the 4–5-page paper. Submit the completed assignment as a Word document. Your paper should include in-text citations and references for at least three scholarly sources, in addition to the course text, and be formatted according to APA style. 0% Plagiarism should be found.

Youth Sports

41 million youth between the ages of 6-18 participate in youth sports across the United States each year. Youth’s experiences vary and some thrive in their specific sport and some quit because their experiences in youth sports were less positive. In a 4–5-page paper describe,

Benefits of youth sports and why children participate
Negative factors associated with the youth sports experience
Youth sports competition and the focus on winning.

In addition to the course text, Cox, R.H., (2012). Sport Psychology: Concepts and Applications. 7th Edition, utilize four (4) empirical articles to support your response to the required topics in the 4–5-page paper. Submit the completed assignment as a Word document. Your paper should include in-text citations and references for at least three scholarly sources, in addition to the course text, and be formatted according to APA style. 0% Plagiarism should be found.

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