How can psychologists best disseminate knowledge to the public as a way to improve public health?

Clinical psychology
For this final written assignment, you will be discussing a current “hot” professional or clinical issue related to the field of clinical psychology. The issue that you select must be discussed in some degree in the course textbook and/or class lectures, but you will be adding to the knowledge of this issue via additional research. Your paper must reference, at minimum, the text plus an additional four peer-reviewed sources. You will be summarizing the issue and your literature review of the issue. . You will also be making an argument about the issue  that is informed by your thorough research.
Dissemination of knowledge: How can psychologists best disseminate knowledge to the public as a way to improve public health?
Additional Requirements:
This is a formal, cohesive written essay in paragraph style and 1500 words at minimum
All factual statements, including “common knowledge statements” must be cited both in-text and via a full reference in the references page (you need a references page)
Only Word or pdf documents are accepted
One-inch margins, double spaced, 12-point font
Documents must be named in the following format: LASTNAME_PSY394_Final Paper
Paper heading must include: Your Name, date, course title, CA name, Paper title

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