Design’ an effective leader – you must justify why these combinations of traits, skills, behaviours etc are appropriate to the context. You should draw upon relevant theories and concepts that you have learnt from the module to support your analysis.


Design an effective leader for a chosen organisation

Pick an organisation in an industry that you are personally interested in. Given the particularities of the organisation/industry you have chosen, your job is to consider what an optimal leader would be in that context. ‘Design’ an effective leader in your chosen context, considering both the trait, skills and/or behavioural approach to leadership. Students must justify why they believe this combination is appropriate for the context. Students must use relevant theories and concepts to explain how this leader might run the organisation effectively. Appropriate source material should be used to support points throughout – remember to score highly there must be strong evidence of wider reading. The assignment should be structured as follows:
Part 1 (20 Marks)
Introduce your chosen organisation and industry. Students should list the relevant attributes and characteristics of this context.
Part 2 (30 marks)
‘Design’ an effective leader – you must justify why these combinations of traits, skills, behaviours etc are appropriate to the context. You should draw upon relevant theories and concepts that you have learnt from the module to support your analysis. For example, if you are discussing the personality traits that your leader would ideally have, then you could draw on the five-factor personality model to support your discussions.
Part 3 (50 marks)
Create a theory-driven argument for how the leader you have designed would effectively run the organisation. You can utilise any combination of theories and concepts you believe will help support your arguments.

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