Can you imagine a future where most of businesses will be done online? What will happen to Amazon? Will it be the same company in 20 years? What will be the dominating technology for e-commerce in the next five years?

Based on this week’s module, answer two questions from the following and post one response to your classmates’ posts that you find interesting. Write everything in one comprehensive essay with a clear introduction, body, conclusion, and references.
Each question must be answered in at least 2 paragraphs with a minimum of 4 sentences for each paragraph.
How big is e-commerce in terms of market value? Given the growth projection of e-commerce, what will happen to brick-and-mortar businesses?
Can you imagine a future where most of businesses will be done online?
What will happen to Amazon? Will it be the same company in 20 years?
What will be the dominating technology for e-commerce in the next five years?
What is the best way to stay competitive in e-commerce?
Research about e-payment systems and services like PayPal, Stripe and Square. Write about the current trend and future of e-payment for m-commerce. Focus on how it will evolve in the next five years.
You must respond to one of classmates’ posts. The response should be at least 2 paragraphs with a minimum of 4 sentences for each paragraph. Your response must be more than an “I agree” statement; it should elaborate on an aspect of your classmate’s post by exploring it in further detail.
This assignment must utilize the APA citation method. The assignment must include in-text citations and references. You must include a references section at the bottom of your post with hyperlinked references to the source(s).
Your work will be checked for plagiarism, so quote and cite texts properly.

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