9B: Compare and Contrast Writing Assignment OBJECTIVE: Analyze the similarities and differences between two or more subjects .
Choose a subject from the options given below.
– Rural life vs. urban life
– Barack Obama vs. Donald Trump
-Any book vs. the movie version
– Speaking vs. writing
-Video chat etiquette vs. in-person meeting etiquette
– Fast food vs. home cooking
– Cat people vs. dog people
– Camping vs. staying in a hotel
-Great Depression vs. coronavirus pandemic
-Alternative medicine vs. traditional medicine
Generate ideas by listing all the similarities and differences between your chosen two subjects. Group these into categories.
For example, in comparing/contrasting life in the city vs. life in the country, categories could include culture, entertainment, transportation, food, access to shopping, etc.
Choose at least three (3) categories to compare/contrast. These categories will be the basis of your body paragraphs.
• Paragraph one: Introduce your subjects and state the three categories you will be exploring.
• Introduce each paragraph by stating the category you plan to examine. Make sure you detail both the similarities and differences of your subjects.
• You may discuss the similarities and differences of each category in the same paragraph, or
• Write separate paragraphs and discuss the similarities in one and the differences in another.
• Include in-depth details and examples to highlight each similarity and difference.
• Conclude by summing up your main points and giving the reader something to consider.