Describe the practical relevance in terms of managerial implications.


The role of Charisma in Ethical leadership: How charisma is utilised to influence others toward ethical behaviours and perceptions
• Title of the Thesis. Make sure the title refers to the core concepts of your research as well as the relationship between them.
• Your name, Student number, Contact info student  date/year.
• Name of Thesis supervisor, Faculty, program and specialization
• A summary of your findings followed by an advice for the management practice.
• Motivate clearly your topic.
• State the goal of your research.
• Formulate your problem statement and research question (RQ) and (if applicable) a set of sub-research.
• questions (SRQ’s)
• Mention the research design by which you are going to reach the research goal.
• Indicate the international relevance/components of your study
• Indicate the unique and specific theoretical and societal/practical relevancies.
• Provide a short reading guide at the end of your introduction.
Chapter 2 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND (approx. 5-7 pages)
• Argue and justify your theoretical stance.
• Use sufficient academic literature to argue your stance from and with.
• Depending on the choice of your research design you build/propose hypotheses or you academically.
develop the relevant research questions which you have introduced earlier.
• Search and choose your own literature.
Chapter 3 METHODS (
• Justify and describe your methodological approach both in terms of research design and methods (also see
section 15.4 ‘DATA REQUIREMENTS’) NOTE: the data/your data might be collected or given by your
supervisor or secondary data. Empirical field data is your unit of
• Discuss data collection and processing
• Indicate appropriate data analysis approach and research context
• If applicable, discuss potential threats to validity, and how your design warrants common quality criteria such
as construct-, internal-, and external validity
Chapter 4 RESULTS
• Argue your findings and present them through relevant and non-redundant writing using visualizations where

• Answer the research question(s).
• Discuss your findings and describe implications of your findings for research.
• Describe the practical relevance in terms of managerial implications.
• Write a strong conclusion based on your findings and the problem statement.
Reference list
• Make reference of ALL sources used in your paper including websites, figures pictures etc.
• For referencing, tables and figures you should follow APA guidelines .

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