Describe ethical considerations and measures taken to protect human subjects.


Adolescents and Suicide

Make sure you have all the sections in the OUTLINE, now you will turn in a fully written paper.

Please turn in your Final Research Proposal by the due date.
Do not include an abstract.
Please include at the end of the paper the full Reference Page in APA, in the Appendix any figures or tables in APA, and the Informed Consent Form. The Final Project Paper must be in APA style complete with in-text citations and full reference page. Make sure each reference in the paper is cited in the reference page.
The paper must be double-spaced all through. 12 font size, Times New Roman font style.
The paper length is 6-10 pages of content. The title page and reference pages are part of your paper but do not count as part of the content for your paper.
The literature review part of the paper should be about three pages and the rest of the paper should be another three pages at least. The length of the sections depends on your content, some sections can be short or long depending on if it makes sense to have short sections, and if it meets the basics of the information you need to have in that section.
The reference page must have at least six peer-reviewed articles from scholarly journals.
DO NOT use quotations. No copying and pasting of any kind. Please PARAPHRASE information in your own words. ALWAYS. The paper will go through plagiarism software. Depending on the severity of using content that is not your own,  you may get zero for this assignment. Don’t do it.

Title Page
II. Introduction and Literature Review .
A. Identification of specific problem .
B. Prevalence, scope of problem.
C. An overview of what we know . What has previous research found out about the problem? What methods and samples did they use? What are your variables of interest and what do we know about them from previous research ? Add critiques of other research .
D. An overview of what we do not know .
E. Statement of the purpose of your study and research question(s). Relate these to the gap in the literature you are addressing. Include hypotheses.
III. Methodology
A. Design
1. What type of specific design will be used ? What is your rationale? (Module 5)
2. What specific research methods will be used (e.g., experimental vs. control group OR experimental, control group, and placebo group?

B. Sample and Procedures
1. Describe your study population and proposed sample (expected size, demographics, etc.) (Modules 1, 2)
2. How will the sample be selected? Once they are selected what procedures will they follow as they participate in your study.
3. Informed consent: Explain thoroughly how you will gain informed consent or document why informed consent is not required for this project (Module 3)
4. Describe ethical considerations and measures taken to protect human subjects (Module 3)
C. Measurement (Module 4)
1. Describe the instruments/surveys/tests and procedures you will use to measure the variables. If you select an existing instrument, be sure to provide information on strategies used to demonstrate reliability and validity (Module 2,5) on how they are scored, what the scores mean, who items were developed for, etc. Include a link or copy of any instrument you plan to use and explain how it is scored and whether there are any norms or cutoff scores.
D. Are there other ethical or political issues associated with this research as you have designed it? How will you address these issues? How you will address any cultural considerations, if appropriate (Module 3).
F. Analysis Plan: Describe all steps related to preparing and analyzing your data (Modules 9,11)
G. Limitations: Identify and discuss several methodological limitations.
IV. References
V. Appendices (include consent forms, measures, etc.)

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