Research assignment is to synthesize the research you have completed with your own ideas to produce an academic research essay suited to the academic context you identified in your topic proposal and your research bibliography.

Writing Question
The purpose of this research assignment is to synthesize the research you have completed with your own ideas to produce an academic research essay suited to the academic context you identified in your topic proposal and your research bibliography. This assignment will also ask you to synthesize all of the skills we have learned in They Say, I Say.
The last step of a traditional research project is the written academic research essay. The genre of the academic research essay largely depends on your audience, discipline, and context. For instance, in biology, the result of an experiment is a published journal-style report. In psychology, you might produce case studies, a literature review, or the results of a study. In many disciplines, academics present conference papers or poster presentations. You will be assigned many academic research essays in your college career of varying lengths and academic styles.
For the academic research essay in this class, you will generate the “answer” to the research question you posed in your Topic Proposal by advancing a thesis statement that is supported by credible evidence (your research). You will choose from the sources you closely evaluated for the library activity and bibliography to advance your thesis in the essay. Your essay should have an original title.
Option A
Option B
2 Book
2 Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
2 Additional Source of your choice
2 Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
2 .gov, .edu, .org source/publication
2 Additional Source of Your Choice

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