Find a research subject in Asian visual culture that is suitable to adequately cover in four pages. The assignment must be a persuasive essay and argue a clear point of view.

For this assignment, find a research subject in Asian visual culture that is suitable to adequately cover in four pages. The assignment must be a persuasive essay and argue a clear point of view.

For this assignment, you must use four sources and cite them using endnotes as explained in the Chicago Manual of Style for the Humanities. It is not necessary to include a bibliography, only end notes. Your sources can be printed, online or in other digital formats. We will complete a research day assignment at the library to find sources.

Your research paper must have a clearly defined thesis stated in the first few paragraphs. In the body of your paper, prove the points of your thesis, by using visual, historical, technological, etc. evidence. At the end of the paper, write a conclusion. The conclusion could be a summary of your argument, explore the weaknesses of your argument, or could discuss its wider application.

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