Develop an analysis and interpretation research report over the course of the term. The paper outline will be submitted first .

Final Paper- Analysis on an interview
The following is the exact requirement- Part A has been submitted, Part B needs to be done

Analysis and Interpretation Paper

Develop an analysis and interpretation research report over the course of the term. The paper outline will be submitted first . Following incorporating the course professor’s feedback on the outline, the full report will be developed and submitted at the end of our course (see 2B).

(2A) Outline- HAS BEEN DONE_
Sample data sets will be provided, and each student will select one data set to focus on for their analysis and interpretation paper based on their scholarly interests.
Your paper outline should provide an Introduction (section 1 above) to the area, identify plans for a Literature review (section 2), briefly discuss possible analytical lens at this early stage of the paper development (section 3), and address self-reflection (section 4)*. In introducing the phenomenon, explain why it is of interest to you and to the profession.

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