How did the impacts, response, and recovery for your event compare to the other event? Were any lessons learned from the previous event that helped communities cope with the second event?

The paper will include:
• An overview of the event, including its physical and historical context;
• Impacts (physical, social, and ecological systems);
• Number of people impacted (killed, injured, displaced);
• Demographic profile of the area affected;
• Known hazard locations (if relevant) and physical barriers;
• Financial aid received;
• Potential mitigation measures and relative costs of those measures;
• Social changes necessary to reduce vulnerability and improve acceptability of mitigation
The paper should include a brief summary of a similar event that occurred either prior to the
disaster or subsequently. How did the impacts, response, and
recovery for your event compare to the other event? Were any lessons learned from the previous event that helped communities cope with the second event?
The paper will be approximately 5,000 words using 12-
point font and 1-inch margins. A minimum of ten distinct books, peer-reviewed journal articles,
or in-depth magazine articles or government reports , not used in the class, must be cited. Reports on the event issued by Federal or State government agencies, such as a performance assessment or disaster analysis, will count as journal articles. Short summaries or fact sheets, such as from a National Weather Service website or census summary, or media coverage, do not count. Students are expected to identify and cite examples from other events to inform analysis of their case study

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