Pick one issue related to the criminalization of immigration that we touched upon in this class, or an associated issue that you wish to research.

You will pick one issue related to the criminalization of immigration that we touched upon in this class, or an associated issue that you wish to research. You cannot just present the whole course as a topic but must address one aspect of it or a closely related theme. In other words, your video cannot be merely on the “Criminalization of immigration” or “immigration policy” but should explore a topic that is far more specific and focused. I am hesitant to give examples, as my experience is that many students will then wish to select these. Please, come up with your own topics that you care about!. However, three examples that demonstrate the requisite degree of specificity and would be appropriate might be:

1) The impact of the criminalization of immigration on Filipino Americans

2) The criminalization of immigration in Minnesota

3) Emergency room care: How the criminalization of immigration creates unintended consequences

Again, these are only examples.

Requirements of video

Video must be 5-6 minutes in length
You must be the presenter in the video the entire time. Presentation skills count.
While you can refer to notes, you must not read. It is best if you do not have to use notes often or at all.
Videos should be saved in an open access site such as YouTube. You may make it private so only those who have the link can see it. There will be a place to post your video so all of us can see it. Make sure to test it to insure we can view it.
Post your Ted Talk Video to share with me and others, due on Monday May 22 by 11:59pm. see the assignment about how to post. Late work will be marked off 10% per day. No videos or papers will be accepted after May 29 at 11:59 pm. Late work receives no feedback, only a grade.
You will post your video or link to it under “assignments” as well as in the designated discussion thread. Your paper should be submitted under the assignments.

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