Outline of paper: Once the professor has approved the research question, students will prepare an outline of the paper, on 1-2p. double-spaced.

The term paper is analytical. The paper will begin with an Introduction, which provides a clear explanation of the significance of the paper’s topic, along with a statement of intent and research question. The body of the paper will first clearly explain the paper’s theoretical perspective and key concepts, and then proceed to discuss and analyse the paper’s sources, following the student’s paper outline. The paper will then provide an answer to the research question, in the form of an evaluation and discussion of the sources. The Conclusion section will summarize the paper’s findings and discuss its implications for any/all of the following: government, citizenry, the Christian church.

Elements of this Assignment:
1. Research Question: Students will prepare a research question on the topic of their choice, to be submitted by February 3, 2023
2. Outline of paper: Once the professor has approved the research question, students will prepare an outline of the paper, on 1-2p. double-spaced. The outline will include
a) the research question.
b) the basic framework of the paper: Introduction, Argument, Conclusion
c) a sample list of at least seven academic references which will serve as the basis for the paper. For each reference, provide 2-3 sentences describing the relevance of the source for the term paper.
Outlines will be due March 3, 2023, and will be worth 5%.

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