Discuss how or why the presentation relates to one of the topics covered in this course- entrepreneurship, marketing, leadership, distribution of goods and services.

The topic I chose is at the very bottom of the page. I sent the link for this paper. Professor said APA 7th edition

TED Paper Details
One of the most critical skills a person needs to be successful in any field today is the ability to communicate their ideas effectively in writing. To that end, you will be required to write a short  paper on some topic related to business. This will be an original work, based on your ideas, perceptions, and goals and how they may be influenced or impacted by the source material for the paper.

There is an organization called TED that each year brings together some of the most innovative and creative people in the world. They talk about their ideas, inventions, beliefs, etc. These talks are later posted to the Internet and made available, for free, to the whole world. I have selected five of them that relate in some way to business. Your assignment is to pick one of them and write a paper about it. In the paper, you will discuss how or why the presentation relates to one of the topics covered in this course- entrepreneurship, marketing, leadership, distribution of goods and services, etc. Also discuss how you might use this idea in your own career, whether it is business or something else.

Your paper is worth a maximum of 200 points and will be graded as follows.

Format: 30 points

Spelling/grammar: 20 points

Content: 150 points

Format your paper as shown below.

Title of Talk

Name of Speaker

Your Name

(NOTE on Title: Double spaced with each essential letter capitalized)

Start with a brief summary and explanation of the topic covered in the talk.
Body of the paper.
Brief summary of your ideas.
Use a 12-point font, double spaced.
Number each page
Must have multiple and logical paragraphs with the first word indented.
Content MUST include tie into student’s personal life or future in application and coursework.
Include a bibliography
In the business world, in any career field really, you are frequently judged on how well you can present and explain your ideas in writing. Correct spelling and grammar are integral parts of that. Take the time to make sure your spelling and grammar are correct.

Use Spellchecker carefully. It will only tell you if a word is spelled correctly or incorrectly. It will not tell you if it is used correctly or not or if it is the wrong word. For example, it will not tell you which of these-There, Their, or They’re- is the correct word to use, only if it is spelled correctly.

Each spelling error or mistake in grammar will cause 1 point to be deducted from your score on the paper.

Your paper will be scored using the rubric on the following page.

Discuss how or why the presentation relates to one of the topics covered in this course- entrepreneurship, marketing, leadership, distribution of goods and services, etc.

Discuss how you might use this idea in your own career, whether it is business or something else.

Videos – located in Canvas-remember only pick one.

All papers must be submitted and reviewed by a tutor through Online Tutoring found in the class in Canvas before being uploaded for final grading. Also, failure to submit the paper for final grading in Canvas will result in the student forfeiting any extra points earned throughout the semester.

Your paper is to be uploaded via the Canvas portal under the assignment. You may submit it any time before the due date. No late submissions will be accepted.

No late submissions will be revised.

If you are retaking this course and are planning to resubmit the TED Video paper from the previous course, please be advised that Turnitin will flag it as plagiarism. Please notify the instructor that you are planning to do this before submitting your paper else you may receive a zero for the assignment.

TED Video Assignment Rubric

0-30 points

31-50 points

51-80 points

81-110 points

111-130 points

131-150 points


Barely addresses topic;

Fragmentary or incomplete ideas

Related to topic;

Includes extra or loosely related material

Generally focused on topic;

May include extra or loosely related material

Generally focused on topic;

Few, if any, loosely related ideas

Focused on topic

Focused, purposeful;

Reflects insight;

Clear presentation of ideas;

Creative writing


Little, if any organization

Some evidence of organization

Organization has been attempted;

May lack completeness

Organizational pattern is present for most part;

Some sense of completeness

Logical progression of ideas;

Sense of completeness

Logical progression of ideas;

Sense of completeness; Sticks closely to main idea


Limited, if any, development of ideas;

Limited or poor word choice make meaning unclear

Inadequate or illogical supporting ideas;

Limited, inappropriate, or vague word choice

Some supporting ideas are present, but not fully developed;

Adequate word choice, but may be limited, vague

Adequate supporting ideas and examples;

Word choice is adequate

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